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Thursday, February 18, 2010


All I can say is that this picture is AWESOME. By far one of my best so far. Did not crop it at all. Which is probably the best part for me.

yummy snail

So yes, I am still lazy. Gahhh. I just keep forgetting. Well here are the pictures that I was supposed to post the day after the last post for valentines day. So here are the 'inside' photos. My personal favorite of this batch, is the one with the tree in it. =]

Ashley's 23 year old bird.. We were whistling at each other.

We thought the pancake looked like a snail.

Favorite. Love the way screen in the window made it look.. and the contrast of the window sill thingy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

pelicans are awesome

So I have not only been exhausted and the busiest I have ever been, but also lazy. I am juggling being a full time student, being on the swim team, and still being a momma when I get home. Yes. Quite exhausting. So therefore I have gotten lazy with my photos. My bestie is kicking my butt into keeping up, and I finally took enough photos to make up for these past 2 weeks. Sooo here I go!

These were all from ash's backyard.. I saw a little corner full of goodies and had so much fun. And I felt like such a nerd!

Ok so I am going to try really hard to keep this up without getting so behind again. I kept alot of pictures out of this entry so I can put them in tomorrows. They are the inside photos that I took, and they are pretty good too.

Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful night!!