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Saturday, January 30, 2010

you wont get a lemon at toyota of orange!

My mom, dad, me and monster went out to lunch with my gma and gpa today. Towards the end they were all talking grownup talk about something [I clearly was not listening] and remembered I needed to take some pictures. So I saw the lemons that I was eating with my fish, and BOOM. There is one of my pictures!

This one is a little weird I know, but I saw them hanging and thought "it couldnt hurt to try" and so I did. They are hooked onto this toy leash that his girlfranns momma gave him, and I love it! Whenever he throws toys out of his stroller [which is constantly] they dont hit the floor. And that blue thing with the stars on it is his favorite toy.. Its a vibrating teether and it has done wonders!

Yes today's pictures were very boring, but yesterday's just plain ol wore me out.

monsters walk

So yesterday I was not only exhausted, but not able to take a nap or rest, so in turn I wasnt able to upload these awesome photos. Last night when I normally upload and post, me and my monster were at his girlfranns house. And when we got home I put him to sleep and passed out within 2 minutes. Plus I could not find the cord to upload if my life depended on it. Still dont know where it is. Had to use a MicroMate thingy of my dads. So once again this is YESTERDAYS post, I just couldnt get them up in time.

So I was able to go on a walk yesterday, its been a little while since I dont have any time to walk anymore, and when I do I am way too tired. But he was extra cranky for some reason, and I was not about to deal with it stuck in the house. So I decided to just upload all of them for y'all. Enjoy!!

Random white piece of chain-link fence.

Now this one was not edited, it came straight from my camera.. I loved the bare tree, with the telephone pole and the sun behind it. I love the phone lines also behind the tree going horizontally across the photo. I could not have gotten a better opportunity for such an amazing picture.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


His first pair of real shoes. Thank you to bre for getting them for him.. I have put them on him a couple of times, but not too much yet. But they are just so cute, and I wanted at least one picture of his first shoes.

I got this plaque from my parents for Christmas. The serenity prayer is my favorite prayer, and I love this plaque and that I get to see it every morning.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Yep, love it.


My adorable little munchkin.

The swim bag has been brought out and used again. I am in complete love, horrible pain, but none the less, love. If I didnt have so much love for swimming, I would have quit the first week. Lol. But I cant wait until I have the new swim bag, and not my HS one.


My favorite part of our room. On top of my shelves I have all these different frames with some of my favorite pictures. I love seeing them before and after going to bed, and throughout the day.

Hahaha so this is one of his newer shirts, and it just makes me laugh so hard. So I just had to take a picture of it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

cheat photo

So this is kind of a cheat photo, it was taken on the 22nd, but I already had 3 photos for that post. And I wasnt able to take any today. Hope the blog police dont come and get me! But yea, this picture basically sums up my life up until now. He loves playing in front of the big sliding glass door with the curtains open, and I sit and surf the web. We play peekaboo too, he will scoot around and poke his head just enough to see me, and I say boo and he cracks up and goes on playing. Until about 5 min. later and he pokes his head around again. Its such a crack up. I love it so much.

But now I am in school all day, so those days are only going to be weekend joys. Kind of saddening. Uhhhgggg.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Bath timeeee. This has been his 'bath tub' and he is basically too big for it now. This is one of the last times in the sink, kind of sad. That means that he is getting bigger, meaning getting older, meaning not so much a baby anymore. Growing up way too fast!

Playing with one of his duckies. Thank you to Nessa and Kaeden for them! Every bath he plays with them and has a complete blast!

Mohawkk time. =] Dont you all love the charcoal bag and charcoal starter in the background. So lovely.

And last but not least, the gorgeous sunset tonight. I tried to get just the palm trees and the beautiful sky.. and I think I succeeded pretty well. So beautiful.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

favorite blanket

So today I was at Paul's Place this morning for breakfast/lunch. I chose lunch, I just wasnt in the mood for breakfast food. We went to the one in Los Alamitos, one of the few I have yet to eat at. Well they didnt have my usual sweet potato fries so I had to choose something different. While looking to see if they had my fries, I saw they had something I had never seen before; Feta fries. And so I just had to try them. I love feta cheese, and I love their fries. So I ordered them, and oh my gosh. They were amazing. I mean uhhmazzzzzing. They were very obviously homemade, and every bite was like a mini orgasm in my mouth. Yes. They were that good. I very strongly suggest trying them, even if you dont end up eating the feta with them, the fries were so worth it. I dont know the seasoning they used on top, I was surprised though, as I normally hate seasoning that I can see, and therefore taste separately than the food. But it all tied in together wonderfully.

After leaving "breakfast" and my amazing fries, I saw this photo moment and couldnt pass it up. I dont have very many of his hands that I like, so I was very happy that I finally have one. So excited I had to post it on here. And this blanket is my favorite one, I dont know why, but for some reason it just always ends up going with us everywhere.

My happy boy with all of his teefffers.

Friday, January 22, 2010

rainbow loves

I got the raindrops in the photo. =]

Our lake in the front yard.. And the plant that looks dead.
But strangely it comes back alive every single spring and goes crazy with flowers.

And the gorgeous rainbow I got a photo of using my cool panoramic feature on my camera.
Took me like 3 tries until I got the hang out it, but the rainbow was so bright..
I could see all the colors so vividly.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

biggest fear

Uggg so I have been slacking.. Getting used to school again has been a little tough on the body. Im exausted!!

So I thought I would dedicate today's post to my son. The past couple days have been so hard. He has been in the best hands possible other than mine, my mom has been watching him. But being away almost all day is going to start taking a toll on me. But Im doing school for him, so I can get a good paying job to support both of us. The next couple of years are going to be so tough, but in the long run will be so worth it. I just dont want him to start forgetting me since I will be gone all the time. =[ That is my biggest fear.

My little man.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my pretty balls

Pretty picture in our living room. When johnny was still itsy bitsy I would sit on the couch and hold him, and he would just stare at it for such long periods of time.. It would just completely put him into a tunnel vision daze, and I would literally have to stand up and walk out of the room for him to stop looking at it. Now he could care less about it, and just wants to be 'scooting' around everywhere. Not quite crawling yet, but on the move none the less!!

And these are some random decor balls that sit on the automan in the living room.. Thought they might make a good photo, and I think they did. I love the contrast between the different textures and completely different designs and the red automan behind them. And plus I had nothing else to take a photo of, I was actually walking around the house looking for something to shoot.. Hahaha.

Ok Im done. =]

Monday, January 18, 2010

puddles make for good pictures

So this is part 2 I guess of the rainy day. After the baby went down for his nap, I decided to suck it up and go out in the rain. I got my umbrella and waded out into the water. Yes I waded. In just a matter of an hour or so, the water increased about half of what it was before! But it made for some pretty awesome pictures. These are my 2 favorite ones, but I had about 10 that I liked.. but did not feel like putting that many pictures up here for one day.

And plus I missed yesterday, so this will make up for that!!

I thought the reflection looked awesome.. and this one is not edited. Just came straight from my camera. Once again, AWESOME.

I liked the way these leaves looked. They were so random, and the only leaves on the whole pavement in the backyard. And plus I liked the 2 random bushes in the background.. who puts only 2 bushes and no other ones? Haha.

rain rain go away come again another day..

Its raining pretty hard today, and I wanted to get some shots of puddles or something. But that is just it, it is raining pretty hard. Haha. So I stood safely under the front door awning thing nice and dry. I was looking for something, anything, interesting enough to take a picture of. This was the best I could get with only 2 feet of room until my camera and I were soaking wet.

And for the record, I have NO idea what that red thing is. It hangs and I think is just a decoration piece for outside.. We were all trying to figure out what it was besides something that hangs when my mom got it, but that is all we got. It hangs.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

bored at gammy's

So today my dad and a friend were, and still in the process of putting in a new bathtub in the front bathroom. So I went over to my gammy's early this morning so johnny would be able to sleep as there would be a lot of banging going on. During one of his naps I took the opportunity to take a couple pictures and get creative.

This is an old fireplace that is in the back room.. thought it looked kind of appealing for a photo. And plus I have never known that back room without it, and so it has kind of become just a thoughtless decoration. But when you think about it, this old antique is pretty awesome. To think that this used to be the only heat source in a house is well, not something I would really want to experience. Haha. But I think the photo came out pretty cool.

And I decided to go outside for a little bit and take a couple shots. This was really my first time ever taking outside pictures of random stuff. And I loved it!

Front porch fence..

Wind chime..

Birdhouse in the tree.

So yep. That is about it.

Have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

trains and hiccups

One of his favorite toys.. And it makes my heart smile because my papa loved trains. For some reason johnny could not get enough of this little train, and was attached to it for the most part this morning.

Today was a weird day emotionally for me, after all these holidays that have been a first for both me and johnny, it just is so.. whats the word.. weird and yet wonderful. This time last year I was still pregnant. He was still the little bun in my oven. Kicking the crap out of my bladder and right side of my ribcage. The sleepless nights and constant pain from my joints carrying the extra weight. The feelings of uneasiness and anticipation that he would be here soon. Being in a realm of complete unknown, and knowing that that feeling would never go away. I was looking through some old pictures of me pregnant, and came across the first picture I took while pregnant. I had barely been showing, looking more like I was getting a gut. But this one night was the first night I went out and dressed for my belly, showing it off for the first time. I had this feeling of wonder and awe that my body was going into complete auto pilot and creating a baby. The miracle of life I guess you can call it, every single day there was something new, something I didnt know was possible the day before. I didnt know babies could get hiccups while in the womb, and my little man got them almost everyday. And still gets them quite a bit. But this picture is my favorite, and still brings tears to my eyes. When I took this, from that moment on, I knew it was always going to be just me and my baby. We were going to be a team lasting until the end of time, and no matter who came into our lives, we would always be the constant in each others'. This picture kind of portrays that, all I will ever see is my son, and everything else will always be a blur.<3

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

playtime with momma's boots

Over at laura's house goofing around. It was so much fun. He took a nap so me and laura could eat and watch a movie, and then was amazing when he woke up. Laughing and smiles all over. Then daniel came home from work and was playing with him and they were both having such a fun time. I was happy cause he would be taking a nap and going to sleep real fast which is always very nice for the momma. Lol.

There are very few pictures of me and him playing together. As I am the one always taking the pictures. One of the downsides to being a single mom, no man to take all the pictures!! But thank goodness laura thought of it and started clicking away. This one was my favorite of the batch, and am probably going to print it so I can frame it. So thank you laura!!

Yep. Today was a good day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

daisies and strawberries

Monday, January 11, 2010

september 27, 2007

My papa. I miss him so much. He left this world September 27, 2007. My papas' name was John Robert Alan, and I wanted to name my son after him. Well sadly one of my friends had died later that same year, and his name was Randy. So it was very weird and uncanny how perfect it fit in my papas' name. John Randy Alan. Perfect.

He was a very good man. A man of his word. Strict, but oh so soft at times. He loved dogs, and that was one of the few times I ever saw him close to tears, is when his passed away. Christmas was his favorite time of year, and it has become my favorite also. I think mostly because it reminds me of him, and I get this warm fuzzy feeling all over. Looking at different Christmas decorations on houses, and smiling knowing that my papas' house was a million times better than everyone else's. Because he had such a passion for the holiday, he hand-made every single piece that was on his front lawn. He would cut out each piece in wood, then my gammy would hand paint them all.

Oh how I miss him.

Another one of my papas' loves was the beach. Him and my gammy have been camping for such a long time, almost as long as I have been alive. Well after my parents got a tent trailer we started going with them to different camp grounds. My papa taught us how to feed the seagulls, so they would eat right out of our hands. Some of my fondest memories. That is a picture of me, my papa, and my little sister.

I so wish every single day that my little johnny could have met his great papa.

beach in a vase

Its like the beach in a vase. I love the beach. So therefore I love this.

"Cassie's Perfume"

My favorite perfume. I call it "Cassie's Perfume." Makes me giggle every time. But the bottle I think is one of the prettiest ones I have seen yet. Sooo I thought I would take a picture.

Friday, January 8, 2010

hallway playroom

So this is his little makeshift play area. He is scooting everywhere and he hates being in the playpen all day. Soo this is where all his toys are now. I felt kind of smart for coming up with the idea. And that is my room right there so it works out perfect. =]

Thursday, January 7, 2010

so loved, so very loved

This was a present for me from my son's birth coach. My mom is a huge fan of this certain line of beautiful angels, there are hundreds of them. All made for different aspects of everyday life. The maker is Willow Tree by Susan Lordi. My mom has an assortment of about 12 I think, at least that is the amount that is in the living room at this time. But this is the first one I have ever had, and I love her so very much. Her name is Angel Of Mine; So loved, so very loved. I decided to edit the picture so she is the only color in it, because it seems to capture her a little better. And I also liked the contrast between her and the grain of the wood..

And this peice.. oh so very pretty. This is an authentic hand-made African sculpture. My sister was in Africa this past summer for a missionary trip with other youth. She brought this back for my mom, and I have seemed to fall in love. I just stare at it and try to imagine the person that made this.. that this was once in Africa, and that if my sister hadn't bought it, it would be in someone's home. It is definitely loved in our home, it sits up and away in a corner. You have to look in that direction to see it, and most just think it is a little nic-nak from a store. Only a select few, and those that ask, know its true origins, and I kind of like it that way. Its a hidden gem as it should be, only the special can marvel at its true beauty. And now I give you all the option to as well, but a picture only gives it so much credit, but until seen in real life and touched, you will not fully grasp its absolute elegance.

Ok all... na night!!<3